Reasons why taking supplements after bariatric surgery is so important

bariatric surgery

The importance of taking supplements following bariatric surgical procedures:

bariatric surgery


This is a viable treatment option if you are at high risk for developing health problems from obesity. It can help you live longer, more fulfilling lives. But, complications can occur so it is important to adjust your lifestyle.

A patient could become malnourished or have a mineral and vitamin deficiency following bariatric surgical procedures. Patients are required by law to take bariatric vitamins as well as other minerals and supplements throughout their lives. Everyone who has undergone a bariatric procedure is given a prescription for vitamin D, vitamin D, and iron supplements. While it is important to be well-nourished before this type of surgery, it is important after.

Patients are advised by a dietitian and a doctor about what to eat. These tips can not only prevent malnutrition but also help to avoid weight gain. This article will examine the reasons why supplements are important after bariatric surgical procedures.

Why Supplements are necessary

You will need more vitamins and minerals following the bariatric operation. This is because stomach acids are essential for the body to absorb vitamins, and minerals from the foods we eat.

After surgery, the area which absorbs nutrients is smaller. A smaller area means that fewer vitamins and minerals can be absorbed. This is important for your body and mind. Below is a list of essential vitamins and minerals you will need to supplement your daily nutrition after bariatric surgeries.


oxygen is carried by iron. After the bariatric operation, iron is harder to absorb from food. This could be due to decreased stomach acid production, or because you consume smaller amounts of food.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 helps to form red blood cells. It is also essential for the operation of the nervous and immune systems. The stomach acid, which is also a vitamin, helps to absorb vitamin B12; but, the body produces less of it after bariatric surgical procedures.


Most of the calcium you receive is absorbed into the part of your intestine which is not connected during gastric bypass surgery. You must replenish calcium because it is what keeps your bones strong and healthy.

Vitamin D

Vitamin has a critical role in how your body uses calcium and phosphate. You may not get enough vitamin D from the sun or food, but it is possible to supplement with vitamin D through supplements. Many people have low levels before bariatric surgical procedures, so they will need to supplement with pills.

Folic acid

Folic acid can’t be discussed without mentioning folate. They are like two sides of one coin. There are two types of the same B vitamin. Folate can be found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and berries.

Folic acid on the other side is a created folate. You need to ensure you get folate and/or folic acid. After bariatric surgery, absorption decreases (absorption occurs in the part of the intestine bypassed with gastric sleeves or bypass). Folic acid is essential for normal cell division, the structure and function of amino acids (the building blocks), and the formation of red blood cells.


Thiamine assists in carbohydrate metabolism. It also helps nerve and muscular function to function. If you have had bariatric surgeries, your chances of developing thiamine deficiency are higher if you lose weight, suffer from low energy intake, or are nauseated. Thiamine deficiency could also be caused if you don’t take your vitamins or minerals as recommended.

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To boost your immune system, and form proteins, DNA, DNA, and carbohydrates, you also need zinc. You can also get zinc from meat, dairy products whole grains, cheese, and nuts. Healthy food is something you should be thinking about before and during bariatric surgeries.

Final Thoughts

Your bariatric doctor should review your vitamin levels and discuss any concerns with you. This will help to prevent feeling weak, tired, or plain “broken.” You must ensure your body has the nutrients you need to be healthy. This is crucial for maintaining good health. It also helps prevent muscle fatigue and weakness.

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